
Student nurse


United Lincolnshire hospital trust


Pilgrim hospital

I worked as a band 4 during the pandemic and worked extra shifts as a band 2. The pandemic brought professional and personal challenges. We saw lots of poorly patients, the fact that patients could not have visitors meant that we had to be there even more for them spring them through their worst nightmares sometimes. I am in awe of my intensive care colleagues who are beyond amazing. I would like to thank my family, including me husband, mum, sister's but Most importantly my daughter who supported me. My daughter had the biggest challenge as initially I would not cuddle her out give her a good night kiss, not wanting to give her COVID, then she only had dad at home, whilst I was at work, where many children had both parents at home and had quality family time. She struggled with home learning and then went back to school, when only key worker children could return.

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