
Clinical Scientist


United Lincolnshire NHS Turst



At the start of the Pandemic the guidance on how to treat our Cancer patients change on an hourly basis. It was very difficult to keep up and to ensure we had the right policies in place. Some of the changes were related to a clinical trial outcome having been published during those early days and we were fortunate enough to have everything in place to implement the guidance quickly. The strain on the staff including me was very high, as these changes came quickly and changed the overall working practises.

As well as working longer hours myself without recognition that this was happening and, the children required support as well at the same time. It was a constant juggling act and this made the early days of the pandemic difficult. The strain is now taking it`s toll with fatigue and emotional upset a constant presents. Being apart from Loved ones still after 2 years has not been easy at all, especially when other staff can see their families. This made me questions the value of me and my job a lot over the last 2 years. All I wish for is the opportunity to see them again without the stress of having to constantly justify why i need to have some leave.

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